Welcome to my resource page, where you will find a variety of useful resources I have made available to all visitors to my website.
I also have a library of Premium Resources that I use with, and make available to, my current clients. A list of these resources can be viewed here. When I begin working with a new client, I ask them to register to access my 'Client Hub'. Once approved, clients are able to access the Client Hub where they can update their personal information and access the library of Premium Resources.
Whilst the Premium Resources are not accessible to non-clients, the freely available content I make available on this page will be managed and updated regularly, so bookmark this page and pop back soon!
Resources Available To All Website Visitors
Body's Alarm System
Information on how the body copes with stress.
Premium Resources for Registered Clients
The list of Premium Resources shown below is accessible by my current clients via the Client Hub.
Coping Self Talk for OCD Sufferers
Once you’ve established some of your intrusive thoughts, the triggering situations and the associated faulty beliefs and thinking errors, you can begin to challenge these faulty ideas generated by your brain when it’s in OCD mode.
Challenging Faulty Beliefs
A form to help when you are plagued by faulty thinking — this chart helps you measure the level of belief, label the type of faulty thinking that’s at play and to substitute it with a more helpful thought.
ABCDE Thought Record
A CBT form to help you challenge your core beliefs once and for all.
Faulty Thinking
A list of different types of thoughts which we can label as ‘faulty ‘because they’re not helping us to develop helpful behaviours.
Theory A Theory B Worksheet and Example
A handout which can be useful when we need a new perspective on a challenging situation.
Privacy and Data Protection Statement
My statement to clients outlining the framework to which I adhere in order to protect your privacy.
Dream Interpretation Guide 2018
A guide to dream interpretation using just one of the ways we can interpret our dreams. Freud said dreams are the royal road to the unconscious. Making a note of your dreams and bringing them along to your therapy session will prove extremely beneficial.
Feminine and Masculine Polarities
A sheet with some adjectives to describe the difference between feminine and masculine ways-of-being; try to avoid the cry of ‘stereotyping’ — this needs a discussion to accompany it!
Cycle of Experience Gestalt
A handout explaining the cycle of experience, which, when interrupted, is sometimes call 'unfinished business'. This handout will help when exploring and working with the ways you interrupt your own cycles of experience.
Masculine versus Feminine
A sheet with some adjectives to describe the difference between feminine and masculine ways-of-being; try to avoid the cry of ‘stereotyping’ — this needs a discussion to accompany it!
A handout to help you draw your family genogram (an emotional and psychological family tree).
Impact of Events Scale
An brief questionnaire to measure how much a troubling or traumatic event has impact you.
Modality Profile
A questionnaire to help you explore your stronger and weaker modalities - behaviour, feelings, sensations, imagery and thinking.
Stop The Drama Triangle
An illustration of the so-called ‘Drama Triangle’ an unconscious psychological game in which we either play Victim, Rescuer or Persecutor - and how to stop it/get out of it!
Behaviours we adapt in order to bring about a desired result from other people — can be positive or negative.
Ego States
Ego States are a consistent pattern of thinking, feeling and behaving. Parent, Adult and Child ego states and the interactions between them form the foundation of transactional analysis theory.
Life Script Components
A summary of the building blocks which comprise our life script, written before the age of seven and then unconsciously acted out for the rest of our lives, unless we make it conscious.
Types of Script
Written’ before the age of 7, our life script then goes unconscious and — because it’s not conscious — it rules the roost! Have a look at this handout to see what type of script you may have been acting out, all your life! We can change our script.
Injunctions are things we were told as children — verbally or non-verbally — that we must or must not do. These injunctions then become accepted unconscious rules which affect our adult lives.
Life Script Development
According to Transactional Analysis, by trial and error, during childhood (before the age of 7, we develop a 'life script' which is made up of certain building blocks. This life script - with a beginning, middle and end then goes into the unconscious and dictates how we live our lives. We can change it.
A handout drawing on the Transactional Analysis model explaining how 'racket emotions' can be used to cover up feelings not favoured by your family or culture of origin.